Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Colleton County Represented at the Rally for Public Education at Statehouse

by Anna Stephens Varnado

          On Wednesday, April 14, 2010, Superintendent Williams, along with several educators and their family members attended the Enough is Enough Rally at the Statehouse in Columbia. The rally began at 5:00 p.m. and was attended by about 3,000 friends of public education. Patricia Salley (CCEA President), Darlynn Garrett (CMS) and Robert Tiegs (FHE) were in attendance representing TEAM COLLETON. Two students, Patrick Salley (CCHS) and Jasmine Salley (HES) also attended. Approximately fifteen groups across the state of South Carolina organized this rally to include, the South Carolina Education Association, Palmetto State Teachers Association, the Olde English Consortium, the State Board of Education, and the NAACP. School districts came by the busloads to tell the legislators that "Enough is Enough!" Enthusiasm and strong calls for action resonated throughout the lawn and on the steps of the capitol building, letting the legislators know that we are not going to stand for any more excuses, mandates, and cuts to public education. Stephen Peters, nationally known motivational speaker and educational consultant and a product of Colleton County Schools, was the awe-inspiring keynote speaker. He gave us our call to action.

           Colleton County School District, how can we all help? What is our call to action? First of all, there are over 17,000 educators in the state of South Carolina who are not registered voters. If you know of any of them, encourage them to register to vote. The legislators are looking to cut over $100 million from the education budget. Therefore, our spending per pupil in the state is at the 1995 financial level, yet it is now 2010. Secondly, on March 16, 2010, the Colleton County School Board adopted a resolution asking the South Carolina General Assembly to support public education during this economic crisis. (The complete resolution is available for viewing on the CCSD's homepage.) Therefore, please e-mail our legislators (, asking them to support our board's resolution. One e-mail using this address will reach every one of our legislators. Please send the e-mail from your personal addresses, not the school's. Also, call your legislators, and encourage your students and parents to call and e-mail them. Let's get these e-mails out IMMEDIATELY! Until we unify and serve our call to action, our voices will go unheard as "there is strength in numbers." Enough is Enough!